Establishment of an internal notification office in accordance with §§ 12 ff. Whistleblower Protection Act

On July 2nd, 2023, the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) came into force, which serves to implement the called Whistleblower Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1937) into German law.

For ABC Umformtechnik, it is very important to comply with laws, rules, and internal regulations to prevent harm to our employees, customers, and business partners.

Based on the legal regulations, we have entrusted ANKIN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH with the tasks of the internal notification office.

From December 1st,2023, every employee can contact the internal notification office at, by email ( or by telephone (069 6783059-0). This allows you to report possible violations of laws and regulations as well as grievances in the workplace confidentially and securely. The ANKIN law office is subject to a duty of confidentiality and always guarantees the confidentiality of your data and information.

If you become aware at ABC Umformtechnik that laws and regulations are being violated, you can contact the internal notification office. Every hint will be carefully examined.

If there is reason to believe that a violation has occurred, an investigation will be initiated. Your data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties. Should it be necessary due to a legal obligation or further clarification of the violation reported by you, we will get in contact with you.